Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention of BC
Case Studies / Space profiles

Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention of BC
- Name of Space: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention of BC
- Society Mission: “The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis.”
- Owner - Land: Private Owner
- Owner - Building / Improvements: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention of BC
- Rent/Lease/Own: Own
- Address: 763 East Broadway, Vancouver BC, V5T 1X8
- Square Footage: 4500 sq/ft
- Year Opened: 1995
- Space/Facility Type: Office
- Organizational Type: Registered Not-For Profit, Registered Charity
- Space/Facility Use: Community/Social Services, Healthcare, Education
- Programs/Services Delivered: The Crisis Centre programs include: our Distress Phone and Chat Room where paid phone responders and volunteers answer our calls and chats for youth, adults and seniors. We also have two training room to train our volunteers and to deliver community-based suicide trainings and wellness workshops.
- Website: